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Marketo MCE 問題集



試験名称:Marketo Certified Expert Exam



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質問 1:
A marketer has created a Smart Campaign with the Flow displayed in the screenshot:

Which attribute(s) will be updated if a Lead is running through the Flow and all Choices except the Default Choice would match?
A. The attribute 'Region' will be updated. 'Profile Type' & 'Topics of Interest' won't get an update.
B. The attribute 'Profile Type' will be updated. 'Region' & 'Topics of Interest' won't get an update.
C. All attributes will be updated.
D. The attribute 'Topics of Interest' will be updated. 'Region' & 'Profile Type' won't get an update.

質問 2:
How is Marketo different from an email service provider (ESP)?
A. Marketo can measure the impact of marketing initiatives on revenue; an ESP can track open and click rates.
B. Marketo can dedupe data and nurture leads; an ESP can host landing pages and provide email open rates.
C. Marketo can score and nurture leads; an ESP can send multi-step campaigns and track open and click rates.
D. Marketo has the ability to send personalized emails and monitor website actions; an ESP can send email blasts and score leads.

質問 3:
A marketer wants to measure the success of various lead generation programs by leveraging acquisition programs.
How is the acquisition program assigned to a lead?
A. A lead is added to the CRM and synced to Marketo.
B. A lead fills out a form on a landing page in the program.
C. Admin Acquisition Program is automatically assigned to new leads.
D. A lead needs to be sent to a CRM to receive an acquisition program.

質問 4:
A marketing manager wants to create a report that shows database growth over time and excludes blacklisted, unsubscribed, and invalid leads from the total.
Which modification excludes these populations from the report?
A. "Lead Created At" in the Setup tab
B. Exclusionary filters in the Smart List tab
C. "Group Leads by" in the Setup tab
D. Custom Columns in the Smart List tab

質問 5:
The email marketing manager receives an alert that a lead has unsubscribed. The marketing manager wants to reset the lead's score to 0.
In which two ways can this be done? (Choose two.)
A. Do nothing because unsubscribing automatically resets the score to "0".
B. Set up a batch smart campaign with a flow action step to change the score to "0".
C. Mark the lead as marketing suspended because that will automatically change the score to "0".
D. Set up a list called "reset leads score to 0" and add the lead to that list.
E. Change the score manually to 0 on the Lead Details page.

質問 6:
What is the difference between hard bounces and soft bounces?
A. A soft bounce renders a lead email address invalid; a hard bounce gets automatically resolved within a few days.
B. A hard bounce renders a lead email address invalid; a soft bounce gets automatically resolved within a few days.
C. A soft bounce happens when an email is rejected by a spam filter; a hard bounce means an email address is invalid.
D. A hard bounce happens when an email is rejected by a spam filter; a soft bounce means an email address is invalid.


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Marketo MCE 認定試験の出題範囲:

トピック 1
  • Learn how a lead status goes from anonymous to known and how to change a lead status
  • Create a custom view of leads: Custom Tab for Lead Detail
トピック 2
  • Know about Channelsand TagsIgnored Fields and Blocked Field Updates during List Import
  • Add social tools to landing pages:Social buttons
トピック 3
  • Event Management with Marketo: Understanding Event Programs
  • What are my leads doing: How to Review the Activity Log
トピック 4
  • Identify junk data, learn about merge
  • de-dupe:Working with Duplicate Leads
  • Control your Lead Database: Data Management
トピック 5
  • Build Smart Lists and start segmenting: Create and Change Views for Lists and Smart Lists
  • Upload a list of leads: Import a List of Leads
トピック 6
  • Set up a logical, scalable foldering system: Understanding Local Assets in a Program
  • Upload images and files, or grab them from the web
トピック 7
  • Basics of Marketo Program Campaign flows: basic email, auto response, lead nurture, webinar
  • Import lists needed for marketing programs
トピック 8
  • How to send out an email when a lead fills out a form: Email Auto Response
  • Configure email settings:Block Field Overwrites: Identify which Fields should not Overwrite
トピック 9
  • Understand standard system Smart Lists and create Smart Lists to segment leads
  • Customer Data, Leads and Lists Topics
トピック 10
  • Set, create, and edit user roles and assign them to users: Managing User Roles and Permissions
  • Renaming Marketo Assets: Rename Marketo Assets
トピック 11
  • Working with Channels: Create a Program Channel
  • Check a lead’s activity: Reviewing Lead Details



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MCE 関連試験
MCE-JPN - Marketo Certified Expert Exam (MCE日本語版)
 [email protected] サポート


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