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Magento Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer 問題集



試験名称:Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer Exam



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価格: ¥6599 

無料問題集Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer 資格取得

質問 1:
You fixed an issue in a third-party extension using a patch named m2-hotfixes/extension-fix.patch Before committing the patch to the repository you want to test it locally How do you test a patch in a clean working copy?
A. Commit the patch because the pre-commit hook will abort the commitit any hotfix causes an issue
B. Run the command bin/magento setup:hotfix:apply --patch=m2-hctfixes/extension-fix.patch
C. Run the command git apply m2-hotfixea/extension-fix.patch
D. Configure a deploy hook in .magento.app.yamlthat executes
vendor/bin/ece-tools hotfix:apply -dry-run

質問 2:
After installing a Magento extension that implements a new class for a site and deploying this to an integration environment you see it is notworking.

In the logs you discover the following error:
How do you fix this?
A. The generated_code_WRITABLEvariable should be set to true whenever using extensions
B. The extension should be modified so it does not write to generated at runtime
C. The file should be generated locally and pushed via Git
D. A support ticket should be riled with Magento Commerce Cloud to fix the filesystem issue

質問 3:
While setting up a Magento project you run the following command
magento-cloud variable:update ADMIN_USERNAME -value=alice
What will this command do?
A. Configure the Magento Commerce Cloud tools to use alice for API call authentication
B. Update the Magento cloud/admin/username config variable to alice
C. Change the usernameof the default administrator account to alice
D. Change your usernameto alice tor logging into the magento-cloud CLl tool C.

質問 4:
Your project is in a phase where the locales that will be used are still being determined. You need to configure your project in a manner that will allow them to be changed dynamically How can you accomplish this?
A. Run the command vendor/bin/ece-tools locales:unlock on the environment
B. Remove the system/default/general/locale configuration from the app/etc/config.php file
C. Configure SCD_ON_DEMAND to true in the .magento.env.yaml file
D. Configure DYNAMIC_LOCALES in the SCD_MATRIX to true in the . magento. env. yarn! file

質問 5:
A merchant slates the downtime during the deployment phase is too long
After analysis, it is determined the static content deployment is the longest process Static content needs to be available immediately after deployment How can the static content deployment time to be reduced?
A. Commit var.view_preprocessed to git so it already exists duringthe deployment phase
B. Move static content deploy the build phase
C. Set stage /global/SKIP_SCD to true.
D. Reduce the number of store view website

質問 6:
You are testing an integration to an external service that requires you to configure an accesskey in an environment variable.You created a new environment to validate the functionality The variable must only impact this environment How do you configure the variable?
A. Add the variable to the .magento.env.yamlfile specifying the environment and inheritable
B. Add the variable to the variables section under Project Settings specifying inheritance level
C. Use the magento-cloud CLl utility with the environment inheritable and level flags
D. Use vendor/bin/ece-tools to generate a local config.phpfile and commit the setting


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Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer 認定 Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer 試験問題:

1. You need to increase the Admin Session Lifetime up to 86400 seconds for the branch named Integration and children branches but not for the Staging and Production branches.
How do you update this on the integration branch and its child branches?

A) Run the following Magento CLI command
php bin/magento config:set admin/security/session_lifetime 86400
B) Add the following variable on the Integration branch and set Its value to 86400 env:CONFIG_STORES_DEFAULT_ADMIN_SECURITY_SESSION_LIFETIME
C) On the Integration environment set the Admin Session Lifetime in the Magento admin backend under Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Admin > Security
D) On your local environment, set the Admin Session Lifetime In the Magento admin backend under Stores> Configuration> Advanced > Admin > Security then dump this setting into the app /etc/ confi.php file and commit this file

2. You are reviewing a third party extension for Magento Commerce Cloud compatibility You discover the module writes to a customdirectory called internal/ withinthe Magento base directory The directory has to be shared by all web servers What do you do so the module can be used on Magento Commerce Cloud?

A) Add a patch for extension so it uses the subdirectory var/internal/ instead
B) Request the vendor make the directory configurable in the Magento admin
C) Declare a shared mount for the internal/directory in .magento. app.yaml
D) Create a symlink from /top/internal to the internal/ folder

3. A merchant using Magento Commerce Cloud Pro reports an issue with an order missing transaction data.The application uses a payment gateway integration which posts a series of callbacks to Magento You would like to retrieve a complete list ofcalls to build a timeline of what happened How do you achieve this?

A) Use the magento-cloud environment:ssh command to access the environment and investigate the access.log file
B) Use SSH to access all nodes and investigate the access. leg riles
C) Use the magento -cloud environment: logs command to retrieve the access. log file from Production
D) View the access. log file in the Project web UI

4. You are debugging an issue with an extensionthat only occurs in Production.The extension writes relevant information using the debug log level However that specific information is not getting written to the logs on Production How do you fix this>

A) Enable debug logging in app/etc/config.php locally and deploy it to Production
B) Enable developer mode in Production for a short period to gather the required information
C) Write a custom logger that writes the debug information to var/log/custom, log
D) Enable debug logging in the Admin interface in Production

5. After making changes lo custom commands in the deploy and buildphases you deploy to Staging.The deployment takes much longer than expected, and Stagingis in maintenance mode tor most of this time.
What do you do to reduce site downtime?

A) Move custom commands from the deploy phase to the build phase.
B) Set the SKIP_MAINTENANCE_SCD variable to true In the . magento. env. yaml file
C) Add a custom command to the post_deploy phase to activate deferred deployment
D) Update the SCD_MATRIX variable to include only necessary custom commands


質問 # 1
正解: B
質問 # 2
正解: C
質問 # 3
正解: B
質問 # 4
正解: D
質問 # 5
正解: A

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