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Databricks Associate-Developer-Apache-Spark 問題集



試験名称:Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0 Exam



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質問 1:
Which of the following statements about RDDs is incorrect?
A. RDDs are great for precisely instructing Spark on how to do a query.
B. The high-level DataFrame API is built on top of the low-level RDD API.
C. RDD stands for Resilient Distributed Dataset.
D. An RDD consists of a single partition.
E. RDDs are immutable.
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

質問 2:
The code block shown below should return a DataFrame with two columns, itemId and col. In this DataFrame, for each element in column attributes of DataFrame itemDf there should be a separate row in which the column itemId contains the associated itemId from DataFrame itemsDf. The new DataFrame should only contain rows for rows in DataFrame itemsDf in which the column attributes contains the element cozy.
A sample of DataFrame itemsDf is below.
Code block:
itemsDf.__1__(__2__).__3__(__4__, __5__(__6__))
A. 1. filter
2. array_contains("cozy")
3. select
4. "itemId"
5. explode
6. "attributes"
B. 1. filter
2. "array_contains(attributes, 'cozy')"
3. select
4. "itemId"
5. explode
6. "attributes"
C. 1. filter
2. "array_contains(attributes, 'cozy')"
3. select
4. "itemId"
5. map
6. "attributes"
D. 1. where
2. "array_contains(attributes, 'cozy')"
3. select
4. itemId
5. explode
6. attributes
E. 1. filter
2. "array_contains(attributes, cozy)"
3. select
4. "itemId"
5. explode
6. "attributes"
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

質問 3:
The code block displayed below contains an error. The code block should produce a DataFrame with color as the only column and three rows with color values of red, blue, and green, respectively.
Find the error.
Code block:
1.spark.createDataFrame([("red",), ("blue",), ("green",)], "color")
Instead of calling spark.createDataFrame, just DataFrame should be called.
A. The commas in the tuples with the colors should be eliminated.
B. The "color" expression needs to be wrapped in brackets, so it reads ["color"].
C. Instead of color, a data type should be specified.
D. The colors red, blue, and green should be expressed as a simple Python list, and not a list of tuples.
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

質問 4:
The code block displayed below contains one or more errors. The code block should load parquet files at location filePath into a DataFrame, only loading those files that have been modified before
2029-03-20 05:44:46. Spark should enforce a schema according to the schema shown below. Find the error.
2. |-- itemId: integer (nullable = true)
3. |-- attributes: array (nullable = true)
4. | |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
5. |-- supplier: string (nullable = true)
Code block:
1.schema = StructType([
2. StructType("itemId", IntegerType(), True),
3. StructType("attributes", ArrayType(StringType(), True), True),
4. StructType("supplier", StringType(), True)
7.spark.read.options("modifiedBefore", "2029-03-20T05:44:46").schema(schema).load(filePath)
A. Columns in the schema definition use the wrong object type and the syntax of the call to Spark's DataFrameReader is incorrect.
B. Columns in the schema definition use the wrong object type, the modification date threshold is specified incorrectly, and Spark cannot identify the file format.
C. The data type of the schema is incompatible with the schema() operator and the modification date threshold is specified incorrectly.
D. The attributes array is specified incorrectly, Spark cannot identify the file format, and the syntax of the call to Spark's DataFrameReader is incorrect.
E. Columns in the schema are unable to handle empty values and the modification date threshold is specified incorrectly.
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

質問 5:
Which of the following options describes the responsibility of the executors in Spark?
A. The executors accept tasks from the cluster manager, execute those tasks, and return results to the driver.
B. The executors accept jobs from the driver, analyze those jobs, and return results to the driver.
C. The executors accept jobs from the driver, plan those jobs, and return results to the cluster manager.
D. The executors accept tasks from the driver, execute those tasks, and return results to the cluster manager.
E. The executors accept tasks from the driver, execute those tasks, and return results to the driver.
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

質問 6:
Which of the following code blocks stores DataFrame itemsDf in executor memory and, if insufficient memory is available, serializes it and saves it to disk?
A. itemsDf.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
B. itemsDf.cache(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
C. itemsDf.cache()
D. itemsDf.write.option('destination', 'memory').save()
E. itemsDf.store()
解説: (Topexam メンバーにのみ表示されます)

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Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0 認定 Associate-Developer-Apache-Spark 試験問題:

1. Which of the following code blocks returns a copy of DataFrame transactionsDf that only includes columns transactionId, storeId, productId and f?
Sample of DataFrame transactionsDf:
2.|transactionId|predError|value|storeId|productId| f|
4.| 1| 3| 4| 25| 1|null|
5.| 2| 6| 7| 2| 2|null|
6.| 3| 3| null| 25| 3|null|

A) transactionsDf.drop([col("predError"), col("value")])
B) transactionsDf.drop(["predError", "value"])
C) transactionsDf.drop("predError", "value")
D) transactionsDf.drop(col("value"), col("predError"))
E) transactionsDf.drop(value, predError)

2. Which of the following code blocks returns a DataFrame with a single column in which all items in column attributes of DataFrame itemsDf are listed that contain the letter i?
Sample of DataFrame itemsDf:
2.|itemId|itemName |attributes |supplier |
4.|1 |Thick Coat for Walking in the Snow|[blue, winter, cozy] |Sports Company Inc.|
5.|2 |Elegant Outdoors Summer Dress |[red, summer, fresh, cooling]|YetiX |
6.|3 |Outdoors Backpack |[green, summer, travel] |Sports Company Inc.|

A) itemsDf.select(col("attributes").explode().alias("attributes_exploded")).filter(col("attributes_exploded").co
B) itemsDf.select(explode("attributes").alias("attributes_exploded")).filter(attributes_exploded.contains("i"))
C) itemsDf.select(explode("attributes").alias("attributes_exploded")).filter(col("attributes_exploded").contain
D) itemsDf.explode(attributes).alias("attributes_exploded").filter(col("attributes_exploded").contains("i"))
E) itemsDf.select(explode("attributes")).filter("attributes_exploded".contains("i"))

3. Which of the following code blocks writes DataFrame itemsDf to disk at storage location filePath, making sure to substitute any existing data at that location?

A) itemsDf.write(filePath, mode="overwrite")
B) itemsDf.write.mode("overwrite").parquet(filePath)
C) itemsDf.write.mode("overwrite").path(filePath)
D) itemsDf.write().parquet(filePath, mode="overwrite")
E) itemsDf.write.option("parquet").mode("overwrite").path(filePath)

4. Which of the following code blocks returns the number of unique values in column storeId of DataFrame transactionsDf?

A) transactionsDf.dropDuplicates().agg(count("storeId"))
B) transactionsDf.select(distinct("storeId")).count()
C) transactionsDf.select("storeId").dropDuplicates().count()
D) transactionsDf.select(count("storeId")).dropDuplicates()
E) transactionsDf.distinct().select("storeId").count()

5. The code block displayed below contains an error. The code block should return a DataFrame where all entries in column supplier contain the letter combination et in this order. Find the error.
Code block:

A) The expression only returns a single column and filter should be replaced by select.
B) The expression inside the filter parenthesis is malformed and should be replaced by isin('et', 'supplier').
C) Instead of isin, it should be checked whether column supplier contains the letters et, so isin should be replaced with contains. In addition, the column should be accessed using col['supplier'].
D) The Column operator should be replaced by the col operator and instead of isin, contains should be used.


質問 # 1
正解: C
質問 # 2
正解: C
質問 # 3
正解: B
質問 # 4
正解: C
質問 # 5
正解: B

Associate-Developer-Apache-Spark 関連試験
Databricks-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate - Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate Exam
Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer - Databricks Certified Professional Data Engineer Exam
Databricks-Certified-Data-Engineer-Professional - Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional Exam
Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist - Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist Exam
 [email protected] サポート


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